Ah, the age old question, how long does a gunite pool last? It’s a fair question. After all, for such a large investment, homeowners are right to ask questions and expect a strong pool warranty. Typically, a gunite pool lasts for about 100 years. Most pool builders offer a lifetime warranty on the gunite shell of their gunite pools. If a pool company quotes you less than a lifetime for your pool, you should question their quality.

SSG goes a step further than a 100-year or lifetime warranty. Our clients receive a gunite pool warranty worth a lifetime + another person’s lifetime. Seriously? Yes, we can’t lie to you, it’s in our contracts. SSG Pools offers a lifetime, transferable warranty on all of our gunite pool construction. That means that when you buy a pool from us, not only is the structure of that pool guaranteed to last into you elderly years, but then the person that buys your home also is able to enjoy that same guarantee for the rest of their life. It sounds too good to be true, huh? The truth is, a properly built gunite pool has the ability to last decades upon decades.

norwell ma gunite pool

Why don’t most pools last a lifetime?

Sadly, pools are not easy to build. Many phases, materials and factors are combined to assemble a beautiful gunite pool. At SSG, we’ve been building pools for nearly 50 years, and because there is so much delicate coordination during the construction, we keep 100% of the build in-house. Sound too good to be true again? We’re also the only pool builder in New England that does not outsource at least one critical phase. We haven’t assembled this company without our fair share of mistakes, we were also outsourcing at one time. However, we soon realized that in order to mainetain quality and keep a projects moving through construction phases, we could only rely on one moving factor, our own team. So how did we do it? We put our thinking caps on and invested in recruiting experts from pool-building capitals like Texas and California. We also assembled a robust training program that all employees complete before they can take the lead on projects.

ayer ma gunite pool

Did the experiment work?

Well, our costly “experiment” to purchase state-of-the-art equipment and gunite pool professionals from across North American has been a success. Thousands of New England residents enjoy their SSG-built-and-mainetained pool year after year. We don’t expect you to take our word for it, please conduct your own research. In addition, please look through some of our previous projects. Here are just a few of our satisfied customers, who chose to publicly voice their happiness with our services.


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How is this setup possible?

Good question. Although we do not outsource our pool construction, it would be impossible to build the pools that we do without our partners and suppliers. After all, we’re able to offer the best pool warranty in the industry because we work alongside the very best suppliers. And don’t forget, no backyard is complete with just a pool. A nice lawn, pathway and flower garden is the backdrop that makes every pool pop when you walk out onto your back deck.


landscape pool design


Read more about our lifetime transferable pool warranty

If you’d like to hear more about what’s included in our pool warranty program , please visit our page. Our seasoned and growing team would love to speak with you regarding any other questions, please contact us if you’re considering a gunite pool for your backyard.